No...Kareena hasn't managed to pull Ranbir.... This is with reference to Kareena Kapoor endorsing for Vivel the latest of the soaps launched by ITC in its all out war against HUL. Not so long ago Kareena kapoor was luring customers towards her seductive advertisement for LUX Chocolate seduction limited edition. As a direct jump that is akin to Sourav Ganguly jumping from Coke to Pepsi Kareena has shown that loyalty is not necessarily a precondition for endorsement jumping from HUL's LUX to ITCs Vivel
If we do remember an upcoming, then soon to be famous Padukone in her lemon green bikini managed to win hearts in the Liril Advertisement. Now she is off showing how to have a "Beautiful you, today and Tomorrow" endorsing Fiamma Di wills the luxury soap range of ITC.

all these celebrities are finding ITC products better(to the pockets atleast:-)), or it is just a coincidence, but nevertheless ITC is making life real tough for HUL. The giant Levers which beat P & G fair and square, has met someone its own size. But the real interesting point to be seen here is the loyalty expected of customers is very rarely exhibited by the brand ambassadors who themselves are rarely loyal to a brand. Although celebrity endorsements do seem to be very effective(although not measurable), such jumps across brands does pose a big problem for the marketing organizations.
Marketers need to come up with loyalty programs that suit the brand ambassadors too nowadays:-)
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